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Ilya Anisimov
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The wisdom of loss, the happiness of the moment


Also... A world of consumption, a time of material and pathetic attitudes. More, more expensive, everywhere! Last year was an incredible year for me. It's not just an event or two. It's a lifetime! That's dozens of lives in one year.... and yes, it was that year that I came to the conclusion of "needing less."

If you've lost something, be glad you haven't lost much. If you've lost a lot, be glad you haven't lost everything. If you have lost everything, rejoice that there is nothing left to lose!

A person needs little for happiness: health, favorite occupation and a person with whom you want to wake up every morning.

I know what I want:
a gold floor-length robe, a crown
and for you to like every picture of me.
More, mind you, I'm silent about.

more is optional.
I don't need calls and I don't need dates.
The main secret to success is lowered expectations.
That's what my psychologist jokes about, and, you know, it works.
I'd be, like, a hundredth in line to see you,
and it's a success. It's almost unstoppable.
I'd rather be the millionth person in it, to be honest.
Because it's always the farther away, the undoubtedly easier.

I wish I didn't know your shoulder blades by touch.
Of course, it's not just the shoulder blades, you could list it for a very long time:
take, for example, the barbed line of your chin--
that's why I know how it feels with my nose?
Or where there's a cosmos of moles scattered under your clothes,
That kissing (and more) is aggressive and enthusiastic,
and you taste a little bitter, if you know what I mean.
And, of course, why should I remember - I don't know how to remember otherwise -
the way you stroke your thumbs
on my defenseless neck.

Yes, I know what I want, but whatever I want,
reality has boundaries, possibilities have limits.
Not to be disappointed, not to get flattered by fate,
maybe the secret to success is not wanting anything at all.
Or, like, the other way around, maybe we should dream about
which is unlikely to happen anytime soon?

So, my personal top
not robes or crowns, but simple as a ruble, one:
so that you can care too, too, too.

Daryona Hale

Not in passion or recognition, but in the moment and touch. Touch sometimes speaks volumes, more than you could ever put into words. Laying your head on his shoulder... hugging you, whispering something quietly to yourself. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter when you care about each other! Is there an expiration date on that? Probably not, if you really experienced something that you can't explain yourself, but that so clearly demonstrates your concern, care, participation. There is no statute of limitations on "whatever", it is a feeling that lives with the person in the person, even when circumstances change.


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