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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    40 years
  • Education:
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  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory



Why? Such a frequent question, which, at times, stumps us, forcing us to formulate the thought into a clearly compiled answer. "No why" are the first things one wants to answer to such a question. Any why implies the use of an object that possesses some set of characteristics. "In order to"... As much as we don't want to realize it, everything and everyone in this branded world is really for something. We fulfill, replace, compensate, and serve as sources for someone. Less often we need someone to give to us, although it is a very pleasant procedure, I want to say, from which we also get our high for ourselves.

Does this "why" matter so much if suddenly the object ceases to be?! To be, to belong and to fulfill its assigned part of "then"?! Perhaps if you're a why, you're not a why... after all, we tend to get used to it, and we also often want more when © "suddenly not interested". There is such a phrase - "to have someone to take care of" and that is probably the only answer I would want to give to a person who decides to ask me a question. Even the wording "then that I love you" gives a connotation of consumption. Agreed, "so what if I care that you love me" sounds like a valid argument "against".

Why - as a part of yourself, without which you don't feel completely happy. An even bigger "why" deprives you of any "lacks", even if in reality something specific is lacking - it all becomes a small thing, closed with time and extra effort.

Be to each other not for something, but for something, giving and making each other happy in the context of being there for each other. And yes... still, "there's something to talk about with you* only becomes a great "pro" years later, not in the first five to ten years of your relationship. Talk, love, be happy!


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