Tag: fatigue

Life on the move
Me with pen in hand is an event. Without thoughts and reasoning just that life flows and days fly....

Influence of environment on personal development
Me, you, us, we, us, we, us... And everything turns out to be closely connected with the environment. I mean, really! The changes that have happened to me in...

Doldrums or mood waves
Man is an amazing creature. What does mood depend on? And can it be controlled and regulated? You don't have any special problems: well...

Interest and attraction
About desires, habits, interests... these are all ingredients of something long good. What makes fatigue, passion and desire disappear? It is the mystery...

Trunk and sores: how to accept and forgive?
And about them again... #FilterFree. Throughout life, a host of growths appear, from small crusts to ulcers affecting the trunk. Earlier ...

Zoo: a glimpse through fatigue
I didn't happen to have been to a zoo at an early age and any animals thrill me... it seemed....