Tag: freedom

The path to freedom from addiction
Habit. It's always been a word that has affected me, thrown me off balance, agitated me... My frequent answer to the question about smoking is "I have to....

A load of habits and freedom
And I've talked about quality and technique... And now in choosing a topic, for some reason I suddenly thought about "habits". It's a good thing.

When was the last time you were single? Truly... to have no coworkers, no parents, no second halves, no kids. To artificially create one.

Unplugged summer
This year #leto in Murmansk has been switched off. Whether for non-payment, maybe just something broke, but... Quickly, getting used to good things, the deviation....

In search of time for myself
There are so few places where you can be by yourself... Even at night there are people wandering the streets, parked cars outside the city,...

The myth of absolute freedom
No, not suddenly, but I thought about it and it became interesting... We obey the authorities, some one person, who, in turn, obeys...