Tag: work

Sources of inspiration
А что для вас является источником вдохновения? Эмоциональный подъём тут же скатывается в низы при виде шаблоностей и избитых форм,…

TOR: trust the experts
To say that I have rarely had to deal with TORs is an understatement. Probably all my work has been turnkey.....

Perfect vacation in Murmansk
It's not the first year that Murmansk has had summer weather that calls into question its status as a polar city. News headlines have flashed,...

A productive day and new plans
A productive day left me once again without a workout... I'm disgusted with myself, my laziness. I got a small portion of forbidden food today,...

Polishing projects: on the finishing line
Well, a few days later, the finish line... There is still a lot of time to spend to polish those irregularities, which, alas, ...

Quality of work and evolution of design
In our work we reflect ourselves... and once again the question of "quality", "perfection" and "pedantry" comes up. I remember the first time this happened.