Tag: problem

02.12.2019 / Thoughts
A load of habits and freedom
And I've talked about quality and technique... And now in choosing a topic, for some reason I suddenly thought about "habits". It's a good thing.

01.12.2019 / Thoughts
A change of scenery and a sense of home
There are definitely pros to business travel, which can safely include a "change of scenery" when distracting me from domestic or other...

29.11.2019 / Thoughts
Truth in conversation
In conversation, truth is born... That's the conventional wisdom. Any problem, dispute or confusion finds a solution if we discuss the source, causes and...

22.10.2019 / Thoughts
Ice hearts and gender roles
Время, когда становится ледяным ❤️ одного и второй. Кто-то “топит” за равноправие полов и казалось бы вот-вот случится переворот. Принятые…

07.10.2019 / Thoughts
The paradox of absolute happiness
One "flamboyant celebrity" said she just wants to be happy. Is it really that hard to be happy when you don't have or...