Tag: object

Why? Such a frequent question that, at times, stumps us, forcing us to formulate the thought into a clearly compiled answer. "No why" are the first,...

Influence of environment on personal development
Me, you, us, we, us, we, us... And everything turns out to be closely connected with the environment. I mean, really! The changes that have happened to me in...

Urban logic: subways, roads, views
City Logic. I found the #stolitsa subway terrifying at first. It turns out that it is simple enough not to get lost even in the first...

Exposition in St. Petersburg
It's like this. A curious state and feeling inside myself. Analyzing... from what and why so, but interest and taste for knowledge appears....

Subjective perception.
Subjectivity and a matter of perception. It's amazing how everything and always is not one-sided....humor that is tested on someone after all, to one it seems.....

Massage: Experiences and frustrations
Decided to try what is "Thai Massage" from # ThaiRaiMurmansk... And I want to tell you that wow-effect was not even close. Even on the contrary......