Tag: people

Living like everyone else will be living someday!
By the rules and without... letting go, surrendering to your perfect, necessary, present. Breaking your own rules, views and principles,.....

Strength and faith in love
If some lack the spark, what makes and keeps others? How different men and women are. It's amazing.

Limitations of thinking and the consumer marketplace
More than once I have wondered: why can't everything be done well and as correctly as possible at once? It concerned new versions of programs and inventions:...

Events, colors and people
Amazing events, stunning colors and astonishing people are found in life. The way of thinking of some is so clear and transparent that one is struck by the similarities...

Игра ролей в общении
You can't please everybody. Yes, you can! But do we have to... We adjust to each person we interact with. Every single one of them.

Evolution of flavors
How often do flavors change? And how quickly do flavors get boring? Taste is a uniquely human sensorium. Probably like the rest of perception, it's...