Tag: soul

11.08.2019 / Thoughts
Eternal memory of your man
I hear repeatedly about the oddities...to myself. Quite an interesting judgment, inference and assessment. Obviously, it's a superficial view.....

02.08.2019 / Thoughts
The theorem of human happiness
It's the sticky side of "habit." We can't quit smoking, we can't forget, fall out of love, give up and not remember. Why?....

30.07.2019 / Thoughts
Nirvana of the Kola Peninsula
And yet the nature of the Kola Peninsula is marvelously beautiful. Olenegorsk, Monchegorsk, Apatity... Today I managed to visit many places in 12 hours.....

08.04.2019 / Thoughts
The perfectionist's inner gnashing
Again, but already stronger, I notice this inner perfectionist scrambling. Shit! Something has to be done about it, already myself....

19.03.2019 / Thoughts
Sincerity: the path to understanding yourself
Once again to the obvious things...some at age 41 understand the essence of the phrase "first hand experience", to others it becomes....