Tag: человек

Танцы с облаками
Очередной раз я пытался сделать нужное мне видео с небом… вернее с облаками. И который раз уже так случается, что…

Nervous moments and inner anger
Maybe it's time for a crisis of sorts, but... I can't watch people without smiling. How angry they are.

Sincerity: the path to understanding yourself
Once again to the obvious things...some at age 41 understand the essence of the phrase "first hand experience", to others it becomes....

Evolution of values and tastes
How values, interests and tastes change over time. Why so? Why so? Because you can't get the past back when you finally reevaluate....

The inner world of man
Man is a complex but damn interesting creature. It is an endless quest, with millions of open and closed doors, opening which sometimes is not...

The value of real people
The hard winter is over. I'm tired and apparently I've stopped understanding people. I really wonder if there are any real, honest and not one-day people left....