Tag: автоматизация

17.07.2024 / Thoughts
Работа – это действия и процессы, приводящие к результату. В своё время Ковид открыл поразительные возможности добиваться результатов, не посещая…

07.04.2023 / Thoughts
Infinite time
Time. Things are sticking one to another, forming the day into one dense tangle of event threads. It is impossible to divide the day into some...

03.12.2019 / Thoughts
Машины и будущее бизнеса
Movement is life! But not when it comes to work. I'm talking about today's reality. Where does this road lead? And I...

09.06.2019 / Thoughts
The future of autonomous service
My projects fuel me from the inside out... And the idea that in the future people will do everything themselves. I mean.

23.04.2019 / Thoughts
Automation and the world of the future
Busy stuff... but you can't even call it a coincidence and you can already do something about your thoughts and gut. Also...