Not only characters and tastes are different... people are completely different in their generations. Tastes, habits, temperament and even words of people of different generations differ somewhat greatly. It is strange, but only 5-6 years and this is a person of different values, tastes and rules.
More and more often I began to notice my “age”. Something reveals this in me and, I must say, my mood is definitely not lifted by this.
I remember from my economics course that you can't segment a client, you can only segment a product. However, in life, these segments are very applicable to people. Although no... you still can't segment people and it's impossible... But their typical features are simple. Studying a person, their manners and physiology... character and attitude to words is incredibly interesting.
Only with time do you understand that the saying about opposites attracting is hopelessly outdated... Or not! It has a certain period of validity, say, up to 25 years. And then it plays a cruel joke on us, breaking the wave you were walking on against the rocks in hundreds of thousands. One direction of views, one ability to listen and speak, one desire to receive pleasure from a partner - and that is a strong union.