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Ilya Anisimov
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Love beyond time and boundaries


When it's overwhelming. You know, you can measure, evaluate, compare and taste just about anything. And it's getting easier and easier every day. We are influenced by some frameworks and formats even when it comes to emotions and feelings.

And that's what I want to talk about: love. Something that cannot be compared, something that cannot be measured even with the size of the universe. Something that is infinitely strong and, sometimes, incredibly painful. That feeling that emboldens and shackles you, pouring you into concrete. The thing that makes you breathe hard...and you love it. The thing that makes you breathe hard... and it makes the tears flow, you lose yourself.

And yes, I've also talked about this earlier... poems, like songs, very subtly convey the emotion of this feeling. But, perhaps, resonating only in those who have experienced their own... and, I think, it is "their own", because there are many "loves". And it's not about the difference in the one for a daughter or a son. Not about the one for a husband or a mother, but about the one that left an incredibly bright trace on your life path with the paint of this or that color. These colors have so many shades, but in each of the lines we recognize ourselves. We relive what was...relive it over and over again in memories. It's this this and that that gives incredible potential and motivation.

Not too long ago, I wondered where this and that gets lost... That feeling and that love that binds two people together so strongly that the mutual desire to never part is cemented by the union in front of witnesses. Why is this done? If both people came to this decision consciously, why does one of them have to give it up? In all likelihood one or both had a different idea of--and not truly loved.

Love is not a person! It is not something material that can be touched, measured and turned on/off... It is, in my opinion, a permanent state. Yes, let me quote one of the statements about love... As I said, it is different... as they say, it has three ages: "I love you even if you hurt me very much" - childish. "I love you, but if you hurt me, I'll leave" - teenager. And finally the adult one, which is what I meant to say by formulating it into a "permanent state" - "I love you even if you're not around."

This topic in its essence and essence is endless to fit and reveal here. But one wants to listen and reread about it all the time. After all, this and that is an immortal classic, which is beautiful at any age and whose taste you realize with age. Love to the core, to madness... without sleep and rest, without boundaries and time! Love while you can truly do it! Love no matter what! Here! Today! Now! ❤️

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