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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
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  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Movement is life. Not always!


Movement is life! But not when it comes to work. I'm talking about today's reality. Where does this road lead? And I am convinced of the prophecy of my thoughts. It's an allusion, yes, the machine is replacing man and it's becoming more evident year by year.

Hmmm... 12 years ago at my first serious job there was an employee who made it seem like work by her movement, moving around the floors from counter to counter often and a lot, referring aloud to the eternal time problem - she doesn't have time for anything.

I don't remember when the question arose in my brain about the reasons for not translating business (practically any business) into system processes performed by non-humans, but with enviable regularity I ask myself this question again and again. This, in my opinion, is inevitable. The new generation is dumber than the previous one, diligence and curiosity are dying out. Human participation in work processes today is already negligible compared to what it was 20 or 50 years ago. Today, the introduction of new technologies into the corporate culture and business processes is so great that if, say, even a scanner were to disappear, business would stand still.

And here is my question to myself so far - "why do business processes need a human being"? It is possible to level the possibility of error in this or that step by excluding a human being. The machine does not make mistakes! And yes, it also does not "muddy", does not make willful or self-serving steps. It does not take bribes, is not afraid of threats, and... is very stress-resistant.

Germany... a long time ago I was extremely excited about a news story that talked about the amazing possibilities of paying for purchases without cash registers. It was in Germany that there were such tests (as I recall). The idea is that a person goes into a store, selects a product and leaves the store through the "frames" familiar to us, having bagged the goods themselves. That's it! The money for such purchases was automatically deducted from the card of the client of such a store. I will not go into the technical specifics of the process, but this is a perfectly good and realizable project in practice, just like "I pay with Google" in European and Western countries. Just today I saw how a terminal in Germany accepts used smartphones and gives out money for them. A kind of trade-in realized by the machine. Cool!

I'm getting a little off topic here. And yet... as I talk to job seeker marketers, I come to "quiet horror" at how inefficient a person is for business today. It is an absolutely multi-cost resource, which is less and less controllable, motivated and trained. People's reluctance to work is now much higher than their desire to live a successful life. "That'll do," as one of my favorite cartoons used to say.

Well... the process has been started since the monkey picked up a stick, now it cannot be stopped. It's called progress, but the root cause is laziness. And laziness has one outcome... let's see what it is in this story.

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