Erasing boundaries.... where is the day that summer ended? It would be worth closing that very door tightly to keep the warm days longer, closer, tighter.
And this amazing and unique Murmansk nature. It's like a switch: yesterday it was +18°C, today it's +8°C. The greenery of the trees is rusting, it's as if nature is aging, falling asleep faster. It is already really dark.
Time for walks in the woods, bonfires and gazing at sunsets, stars and northern lights. The forecast for the next couple of days is favorable. Let's seize the moment. And if you miss the sea, you can go at any time - it is near and does not freeze.
Today I thought once again about "plans". I realize their importance, significance and even necessity... but, for now, for me it is a boundary and a frame, which I don't see the point in creating for myself. A plan is something deferred, and tomorrow is absolutely elusive. So don't make plans, but do it right now, if it's really important to you.