The very fluffy trees that I had a chance to get to. It's not the first day the city is covered with snow, and in general, I'd like to say that this is the beginning of winter: frost and snowfall. Forgive me for the tautology, but... maybe winter will "celebrate" its early? I wish it would.
Just a tree branch with snow stuck on it... Right? Why then does it evoke a separate reaction. Just a separate branch, just a separate snow - everything is utterly banal and even boring, but reunited - beauty! It's funny, really.
A person deals with deprivation on a daily basis, motivated by the importance of any business, his status and firmness of character... in today's harsh times. By the way, and for the sake of fairness, I must say that I myself was once annoyed by these very optimists. But this is not a matter of character, but of the ability to discern, observe and see!
Apparently, even here it is extremely difficult to find a balance... The beauty in details overwhelms the charm of the overall picture. And vice versa - when looking at the little things, you suddenly realize what makes up the big picture, which seemed beautiful for some reason. Maybe life is a search for that balance in oneself in relation to the things around you?