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Ilya Anisimov
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Life inside rocks


Life Inside. This # exhibit or #museum was an immersive experience for me. Still, there's something about not rushing into anything. It was practically 3 hours, looking at the shapes and drawings, listening to the audio guide. Only 3 halls, and such variety. #The Stone Museum in Kirovsk is no less fascinating - I recommend it!

Something cold and lifeless when we think of stone, and here you only have to look at their world from the inside! Like people... on the outside they can be cold, without a smile, not wearing branded clothes. When you hear and understand their inner world, the beauty of a person is revealed. You want to listen for hours, ready to talk all night long. A wonderful feeling! Even idle chatter that gives pleasure.

Some stones are like flowers, thirsty for moisture... I wanted to pour water on them, so that they blossomed, showing themselves in all their glory. Thinking at first, nature is calm and has not invented colors (colors) "vryviglaz", I approached the showcase with #malachite. Bam! Strahm juice, not color, or, in the modern way - oversaturated HDR +. ? And also the stone in the colors of the Russian flag, funny.

Stone is not just a stone, but a whole arsenal of chemical elements. A seemingly simple stone, but as complex as a human being. And like people, they have a nationality, a place of birth and... probably something else. Living forms, not just smooth and rounded, but sharp, noisy and voluminous. Stunning creations of Mother Nature.

Toward the end of the exhibition, I found myself thinking, - "stones donated to the museum...". Who are these people? Worthy of large collections of one owner to be kept in the home of one person. And there are many such people who donated stones to the museum. Some were given by local organizations, and some from other continents. The beauty that is always with us.

Maybe it's just me, but I see paintings in rocks. One of the popular movements of cubism or futurism. There was a unique stone where the landscape was clearly visible.

If rocks are so unique, complex and interesting, imagine how much mystery, questions and beauty there is in you! # Look Deeper


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