My favorite rain, lightning, thunder… huge drops and a strong stream, just as I wanted. Desires… wanted to fall in love – get it, wanted affection and care – take it, wanted peace and quiet… it comes true. Everything that I really want comes true, and so it will be for you! What do you want? Do you really want it… to be sincere, with all your soul, so that the thought of it takes your breath away. It will! I remember that I wrote about desires, expressing the idea of the universality and importance of only one thing – to really want it.
Why then the gloomy mood? Not everything is so bad, because what you want is nearby... Alas, it also happens that one desire is mutually exclusive to another. Then suddenly the concepts are transformed, flowing from "pleasure" to "absolute happiness". And yes, this was also discussed earlier, but... is it possible to consciously refuse pleasure, comfort and warmth of soul, going into the unknown?! Everything leads to (as I said before) "installing an update" on your life or, as in this particular case, "setting it up clean", starting from the very beginning. Let's try?