I can't stop saying that life is beautiful in all its manifestations and to enjoy it no matter what... no matter how trite these words may seem to most.
We can talk about the meaning of life endlessly, as many people as there are opinions. Everyone sees himself in his place in society and sees his purpose in it. By the way, life can be lived not for society, but only for oneself... so called "Childfree" individuals by conviction want to get high by themselves. lives only for themselves, without spending nerves, money, effort and time to engage in the continuation of the species in principle.
It is possible to live for the sake of children, as some people claim. A horrible clichéd phrase that shifts a share of responsibility to the children, making them obligated. A person can live both as a career and as a different person... in the first case, the sun goes down lives of such a man would be very, very gloomy, though, with the benefits of civorIt is possible to work in a coffin, even in the present day. Life for the sake of another person cannot be considered "sweet" either, because it is a kind of addiction... and any addiction is bad, at least because of the danger of being manipulated by those who know about your addictions. I wrote once before about the "drug man" and the withdrawal from the scarcity of doses.
On its own definition issue "meaning. of life." or "purpose. lives"are extremely doomed concepts because they imply some kind of outcome or result. The purpose and meaning are children? So already in 16-18-20 they will "fly out of the nest" and will build their "life for the sake of" ... what, yours ends there or loses its meaning? That's why there is no such thing as "purpose/meaning". lives"! Live to live... live to experience this world in all colors, from all sides and all situations. To learn about love, pain, suffering, happiness, grief, anger, jealousy, hatred, joy, laughter and peace. To give your own definition to each of their feelings, to create a new happy life, so that it also in its own way to live and try everything, to give definitions.
If, however, you set and define a goal for yourself livesyou might want to think about lives after lives, lives after you've achieved your goal. It is definitely and surely not worth it to waste your life on lingering negativity. You definitely have to recognize the pain and disappointment, but knowingly continuing to live in those conditions, going back there again and again, is not worth it... you're missing out on another happy and beautiful life. Live in such a way that you don't want to let her go and she doesn't have to listen to you complaining about her own.