What is life for? For experience? To pass it on to future generations? But everyone learns from his or her mistakes, because the same step at different times brings completely different results. Mistakes are questioned and revised, but intelligence and knowledge - never! The line between concepts, benefits and choices is so thin that only later... at the sunset you make a conclusion... but only your own and only for yourself. And those mistakes, deeds, blunders, expectations and faith of others seem cute, smile-inducing... only because you know "River".
Somewhere a red glow glimmers and the surf rustles softly,
Call your choice a hard fate and the toughest fight of all
Drive one on one with yourself.Don't throw away the stones of the past, put them in your pants pockets,
Don't go in a straight line, better make a huge detour,
Complicate it, my friend,
Everything you see around you.And when you get tired of not trusting everyone and everything,
© Мария Богоявленская
When you have no one else to lose,
Go back to where the dawn is a red strand and the sea's surface,
Laughing and giving thanks
For some reason, it is the smart one who is forgiven a mistake more than the experienced one. This is most likely due to the ability to clearly argue their decision. While the experienced one just feels in his gut and can't make a mistake when the math fails. Who is stronger and whose opinion do you trust? Or maybe you clearly belong to a particular side?