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Ilya Anisimov
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    41 years old
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Choice and truth: blue and red


Long enough ago to mature in my mind, a seed of thought about choice and truth settled in my mind. No, I am neither for the strong nor the weak. No, I'm not for the smart and I'm not for the stupid. No, I am neither for the rich nor for the poor. No, I'm not for Putin or Navalny. No, I'm not for white and I'm not for black. I'm for blue and red! And to many who know me well, the following words from me will sound beyond amazing - I love Apple!

I love Google too, but it wouldn't be what it is now without Apple. There is no good or bad, there are choices! That's what I'm all for - the unconditional right for choice to exist! I'm poles apart of a magnet. Some are attracted to its blue side, some are attracted to its red side.

In the absence of alternatives, we don't understand the truth, we can't put an objective price on it, we can't see the potential. And if the "red" one is so good, if everyone reaches out to him and loves him, this is a great signal for the "blue" one to work, to do the possible and impossible to win the love of the majority.

Healthy and fair competition is the key to a prosperous and satisfied society. The right to love one's "color" belongs only to the person who expresses his feelings and emotions about this "color". To engage in imposition, persuasion and agitation in favor of another is a low occupation! This "other" can simply understand the reason for not loving oneself and become if not the same (as the "competitor"), then even better.

© Every creature has a couple of pairs. It's in the Bible! And this, in my opinion, should apply to absolutely everything. The only condition is that it should have an alternative meaning - to be an antonym! And what you choose for yourself from these two - only your choice!


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1 Comment
  • Victoria

    It's a very nice photo. The whole text could have fit in one sentence. The photo and the text do not coincide in meaning. That's my opinion.

    08:58 27.01.2021 Reply
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