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Ilya Anisimov
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    41 years old
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Raising a good man


You can learn to speak 7 languages, build your own body and even manage a group of companies... © "Where to give your child so that it will be good for everyone"? Quite a hot topic in the run-up to the release of ChatGPT 5, which will inevitably put millions of people out of work.

And I never cease to be amazed at the classics, whose thoughts are dismantled into quotations and immortalized in aphorisms:

There are two ways to differentiate yourself from others... the first is to have such a high position that you can go home before the bell rings if you feel like it. The second is to have so much work that you can stay in the office after everyone else has left. Those who enjoy the first have at one time enjoyed the benefits of the second.

Henry Ford

You know, you can really learn anything. There is a judgment of the type: "to some it is given, to some it is not". Partly... it's more a question of the final result, which, as usual, there is always something to compare, because there is no limit to perfection. And if you are, say, a barber, then definitely know how to cut ... Although there are among them and TOPs, they, by the way, also cut.))))) To learn is not a "vocation". This is different! It's different! But, as it seems to me, you can't learn one thing - to be a good Man! Where to give to be good for everyone? ... it is quite another thing to bring up a good Man! This is something that is certainly liquid at all times, by any audience and, as it happens, in short supply for the last decades.

What's all this for? That's all it was... and I realize it now. Because it's the way it is now! It's a great feeling inside yourself when there's no pros or cons. You don't experience "bad" and you don't feel "good". It's some kind of constant... a unit. Something clear, or more accurately, even and persistent, akin to a state of inexorable (unconditional) comfort. There is a parable about truth of three kinds: factual, absolute, unconditional.

Everything is somehow unimportant, everything is somewhere in the background, it's all too easy when you're an unquestionably (inexorably) good person.


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