Spring is not only manifesting itself in nature, but also in people. It has been awaited by many...of course, I'm talking about the girls. How sweet it was to watch the smiles and embarrassment when she caught his gaze stunned at her beauty. At his playful demeanor, dancing and grooming... Like a queen, she lets her surroundings bow down. Like a flower, she lets herself be admired.
It is foolish to deny the peculiar beauty of such a mood and its necessity. It is foolish to take seriously the temporality of such an attitude, its seasonality and its attachment to events and dates.
Of course, the choice is for everyone, but mistakes are more often realized with age, when most often they can not be corrected. Wait, ask or hint... no! He knows, thinks and remembers always... that's why even the most modest surprises leave such a bright color on your heart.