Let me know who and what you are if you consider yourself special? Unique? Bright, interesting and attracting people's attention? Well, well... Yes, you are unique and inimitable in your kind, genus or class... Like a purebred animal.
You can live perfectly well with this self-esteem, self-conceit and narcissism further. There is no need to even object and especially argue. No one will try to convince you otherwise, because in such a world of yours you will live alone.
You can know yourself inside and out, evaluate, judge and present yourself to people. But there are other concepts, of what degree of importance and rightness - the environment. And here it does not owe you anything. Neither to accept your point of knowledge, nor your views, rules, norms, behavior and you in general. No one, never owes you anything. Neither to hear, nor to see, not to be near... even just because you wanted to.
Your value, if suddenly, as it seems to you, can be objective, you need to be able to convey, show and! prove! No creature has the right to demand. And if you are not heard and act contrary to, then this is your problem of presenting yourself, your value. Only sincerity does not change color. Everything else either melts or evaporates when it ends up in your hands.