Have you ever asked yourself the question: "what's wrong"? Often a lot of things from the first person seem absolutely normal, smooth and, as it were, satisfactory to everyone. But no... it turns out to be silence. Or, to be more precise, it leads to a kind of silence, not that pleasant silence, when you can just relax, but to the silence that makes your ears ring.... and your head ring with unanswered questions.
Curiously, the reason for this may not be excessive expectations, because everything was absolutely good even at that level. So good that there were no "what if" wishes and no "what next" questions. But suddenly...
However, there is no perpetual motion machine and any movement without reaction from outside will sooner or later turn into a static state. But even here there is a thin line of reasonableness... although it is a separate conversation. After all, some individuals deliberately provoke reactions from the outside without thinking about the consequences.
A smart person knows the force, knows the direction and frequency... - all so that the reactions are overwhelmingly positive and the silence intoxicating.