Tag: zoo

08.09.2023 / Thoughts
#Zoo. And I've never been to a zoo in my life...no! I'm lying! I was in 2020, when visiting Ruskealla....

20.07.2023 / Thoughts
Белки: Дикое очарование
Белки. Восхитительные создания! Вообще животные – особая прелесть этого мира. А я ведь так и не побывал (пока) в приличном…

20.08.2020 / Thoughts
The Greatness and Limits of Animals
I am not a photographer at all and I never claimed to be one, so from time to time I allow myself to publish some really bad shots……

20.08.2020 / Thoughts
Zoo: a glimpse through fatigue
I didn't happen to have been to a zoo at an early age and any animals thrill me... it seemed....