Tag: knowledge

On the verge of change
It's all mixed up: people, horses... Soon to be two months of some quality new life for me. I so dislike formats and choices, ....

Выбор: свобода или иллюзия
О выборе. Хорошо это или плохо? Целая дискуссия не тему. В части событий, философий и концепций это является неким фундаментом….

Dependence and development
No not the stories... I realize I've fallen into some sort of addiction to the "new". The deviant behavior alarms me and there are already mental ...

My first dive in the sea
Again. But new. This place leaves an indelible emotion inside me every time for a while. I can't figure out what it is.

Taste, cook, savor
Mixing new things. Trying new things I want to try not only in places, types, knowledge... in food! I have given up the usual vegetable (liquid) oil....

Enjoyment of change and the new
What if not according to plan, but suddenly? What if it's unfamiliar, but new? What if it's not calm, but...?