Tag: winter

Just in time for me to get busy "re-wearing" the auto... And so, four summer ones into storage, and four pinch-hitters into action. Also...

Flashbacks to a past life
I've noticed that there's been too little going on in my life lately. A kind of flashback... when I remember with pain in my soul.....

Кольский залив
И всё же #КольскийЗалив не замерзает! Хоть и говорят, что Гольфстрим меняет своё направление, видно как #РекаКола свою силу он…

The city's ponytailed friends
A little elusive and very beautiful resident of our city...and region. 😊 Will definitely have to come to visit these tails....

Similarities and differences
The similarities and differences between people attract and repel each other with the same force. Why? It's all because...

Winter morning
A really frosty morning. The transition into winter is so smooth that on one side of the bay it's -5°C, on the bridge it's already -3°C, and...