Tag: desire

Поток мыслей: меняющаяся жизнь
Как #облака, мысли набегают так стремительно и в таком объёме, что любая мелочь рушит всю цепочку. Как в одной из…

Happiness in small things
It's pointless to want more in the pursuit of happiness. Bigger car, cooler cell phone, more prestigious job. What's next? I choose to vector toward less... To.....

Wishful thinking and second breaths
The mind is obscured by a thick veil of gray clouds and clouds... There is less and less reason and adequacy. What once seemed to be the absolute norm is now....

The path to nirvana and one's own desires
Sleepless night with heavy dreams... A mess inside, a swamp I'm drowning in. It hurts like hell to be wrong or on the edge... That's why I decided...

The Art of True Desire
Wishful thinking... And wishful thinking, I think I've said more than once, as well as wishful thinking... must... must....

White-on-white... And it's all so simple. It's fun to watch people and myself, remembering moments from earlier in life. Wishes...