Tag: hall

22.06.2020 / Thoughts
Pre-summer fitness: time to get ready
The first third of summer is almost behind us and here it is, the second phase of removing the restrictions we will someday remember as history....

05.06.2020 / Thoughts
"After isolation: living life to the fullest"
Here's that # lilac that was in full bloom a couple years ago. I guess this year will be one to remember...too much so.

18.10.2019 / Thoughts
The fall moping trap
Autumn moping and so lazy to do anything. Already very soon ends very and cold weather will come, ends and subscriber to the hall,...

29.07.2019 / Thoughts
Back in shape
The hiccup in the month has only had an impact in gaining a few extra pounds, which should go away soon! This year, not at all...