Tag: tasks

May: Time for Transformations
I guess this is the boiling point. May... the month when you have to be in pain, and not even from idleness, as you usually use....

Weekday light and weekend plans
Event day is behind us and there are only two days left until the weekend. Alas, the upcoming two days will be empty again, although Friday! The first...

Overcoming burnout
There was a moment when we were talking about the purpose and causes of my too rapid burnout. And lo and behold, there was a chain of, uh.

The eternal struggle with Auntie Lazarus.
Every time, while waiting for free time, I plan to get busy sorting through the junk in the folders on my laptop and the pile of links...

A rush to the finish line through time
Certainly 24 hours in a day is too little time to live. And this is how events are destined to turn out - to come all...

How to choose the perfect smartphone
Quite often I am approached with questions about choosing a phone. Perhaps I objectively have a lot of experience with the work of those or...