Tag: время

It used to be better
Today, after the release of the TV series "The Patsan's Word", the trend for the 90's has not subsided. It is certainly an incredible time that changed many and much....

Don't second guess yourself, belong in the here and now
It's not worth puzzling over. I heard an interesting thought from Alexander at one time, when the question touched on business. Anyway, this one...

Is it worth it to understand others
And if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then feelings are in the soul of the emoter. From time to time, returning to my post about perception.....

The price of time: reassessing value priorities
Time that goes by so quickly has an incredibly high price. No... it's priceless! And just because it's not...

Perfect simplicity of life: the path to happiness
It seems to me that everything in life is arranged in a perfectly simple way. Everything is very logical and has no conditions that cause discomfort. It feels like...

Работа – это действия и процессы, приводящие к результату. В своё время Ковид открыл поразительные возможности добиваться результатов, не посещая…