Tag: power

13.03.2022 / Thoughts
Progress or reversal
How quickly and easily we get used to delicious things. Comfortable as it may seem, one discovers. Here just yesterday I found myself in a...

08.07.2021 / Thoughts
Under a blanket of euphoria
Too bright? Too dim? How long can a person stay in a state of euphoria? Is it as good as "always good"? How much ...

05.01.2020 / Thoughts
The line of change and balance
There is a persistent feeling of some global changes. © Whether the world has gone mad, or whether it is with me....

22.07.2019 / Thoughts
Island people: knowledge and power
When a photographer picks up a camera, aiming at a subject, the result will be a quality and beautiful photograph. Seeing an error when turning on the PC, the sysadmin clicks...

28.03.2019 / Thoughts
The myth of absolute freedom
No, not suddenly, but I thought about it and it became interesting... We obey the authorities, some one person, who, in turn, obeys...