Tag: wind

Me, too.
If you imagine the snow melting in reverse as each ice flake fuses with the other... they get thicker, their bond gets stronger....

A priceless soul and endless vanity
Against the wind. And yes, we love it... against the wind, by all means (funny spelling - all separate ?)....

Summer in my heart
For the first time, #Here and #Through Me is feeling the reluctance to let go of this summer. It's amazing, it's delightful and awesome!!!! Even two hours of sleep and...

Язык музыки и ее влияние
Филармония. Вся музыка сегодня у меня ассоциируется с явлениями природы. Весна, ветер, дождь, полёт и прыжки насекомых, пение птиц и…

Wind and #Northern Lights: new location
Discovered a new place to observe the #Northern Lights. Probably the closest to the city, but not without disadvantage - wind!.....

Simpleton or proud? Steps to meet
Probably, in order not to seem like a simpleton or a simpleton, you go to principles, create some rules. Suddenly your sense of self-worth is heightened and....