
0 %
Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
  • Education:
  • Family:
  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Tag: весна

Spring in Murmansk: Path and Support
30.01.2022 / Thoughts
Spring in Murmansk: Path and Support

Beautiful Murmansk, hello! I finally managed to get out into the center, also when there are practically no people on the streets. Not so...

Spring vacation on the water
21.04.2021 / Thoughts
Spring vacation on the water

Vacation is not limited to "zomboyazhchik" and sitting in drinking establishments, and can be so! Swim on an inflatable boat, of course, in such a...

Spring: balance and change
04.03.2021 / Thoughts
Spring: balance and change

# spring is good, but there's something depressing about it for me. Drowning, floating away, or disappearing, leaving everything behind....

Spring is in the wrong hands
15.02.2021 / Thoughts
Spring is in the wrong hands

Soon the frost will subside and the cold weather will be gone...expectedly. Spring is only 2 weeks away and... new! Something new always happens in the spring.....

The beginning of the year: lessons and hopes
31.01.2021 / Thoughts
The beginning of the year: lessons and hopes

Этот год начался весьма-весьма интересно. Событийные даты, переживания, перемены и новые старты. То, что случается впервые и то, что не…

Без тебя – бессонная ночь
12.11.2020 / Thoughts
It's a sleepless night without you

We complement each other. I guess so and only so...going back to former truths and beliefs. "I have no soul mate...

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