Tag: весна

Spring changes
Summers. And you begin to realize the cyclical nature of history, of life, of events. Almost every spring there is a turning point in my life.....

Spring changes
Spring again. It's amazing how cyclical history is. Trouble does not come alone (so they say) and almost every spring there is...

Fall. It's a strange time
Fall is almost behind us and the first serious frost is approaching. Spring, summer and fall are hard on the calendar this year...and.....

Dreams come true: no choice
In a very short evening after a working day, I wanted to do everything! If you don't choose, you take it all! In general, the question of choice...

Squirrel encounter: an unexpected twist
Spring... Oh! It's already summer, and I still can't believe it. Its first days were not the warmest, not...

Пыль и стойкость: ключ к устойчивости
Рано или поздно всё начинает трещать по швам и ломаться в щепки. Мы не знаем тому причин и сожалеем о…