Tag: вера

Energy without words
No need for words. This is the third place in my life that plunges me into a kind of absolute understanding of the necessity of man to man. The beauty, the...

Spring changes
Spring again. It's amazing how cyclical history is. Trouble does not come alone (so they say) and almost every spring there is...

The power of words and their influence
I didn't realize that "words through the mouth" was such a popular phraseology. With words we can explain, suggest and guide! Words can do many things and...

Strength and faith in love
If some lack the spark, what makes and keeps others? How different men and women are. It's amazing.

Idealization of man: myth or reality?
Does the phrase "wound straight to the heart" really apply? To what extent can one trust without looking back and overlook the obvious....

Diversity and humanity
How different people are in their simplicity and similarities. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but only a few have...