Tag: inspiration

Love beyond time and boundaries
When it's overwhelming. You know, you can measure, evaluate, compare and taste just about anything. And it's getting easier and easier every day.

Self-realization and Art: Inspiration and Challenge
Authorship. I was raising the issue of self-actualization and the cause that one enjoys not for something, not out of the principle of "need", but that....

The poem is my love
More than once talked about his love for paintings. Raised questions of self-realization, inspiration and creativity. From time to time, among others, there are posts with...

Respect for paintings and creativity
Paintings. I can't help it, but for some reason paintings give me a special emotion of respect for the authors. Now, #HeSelf...

A sense of lawlessness in life
Everything gets old. One way or another. Sooner or later. It's not enough, it gets boring, and the bottom line is the same. It fades! Melts away! Evaporates! You.

7000th post
I don't know why or why not, but I'm delaying the moment I publish the 7000,000th post. How? By deleting past ones. Yeah, yeah, I always...