Tag: level

23.06.2023 / Thoughts
Murmansk: Wow-effect and beauty
I never thought that Murmansk and the region could still have a "wow effect" on me. It turns out that they can. Quite simply! Although...

09.11.2022 / Thoughts
Returning to the Open Mic
After a very, very long break, I found myself once again at #OpenMicrophoneMurmansk, an event that in a sense has become a tradition for me... as....

13.04.2021 / Thoughts
Silence and unanswered questions
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "what's wrong"? Often a lot of things from the first person seem perfectly normal, smooth and, like...

20.12.2020 / Thoughts
Upgrading the site for the New Year
Into the new year with a new website. Revamp the look and work on the content, adding useful and removing water, as well as...