Tag: smile

12 Days.
It's a beautiful day! One notice is replaced by an event, and that in turn by a meeting, words, looks and smiles. And if what's...

Doldrums or mood waves
Man is an amazing creature. What does mood depend on? And can it be controlled and regulated? You don't have any special problems: well...

Страх нового: причины и перспективы
Насколько разное “говори” встречается в нашей жизни. Безумолку болтающий рядом человек может нести несусветную чушь, а ты, с улыбкой и…

Thinking at night, writing in the morning
It's been so long since I've had one of these things happen, thoughts forming in my head into a coherent system... Topics for monologues are born that....

Humor: specifics and reactions
Humor is a subtle and very specific field. What brings a smile to some, to others - a set of words, a phrase. Not every viewer and...

The sincerity of portrait photography
Portrait Photo. Sometimes you really want to make a photo with a person in the frame, because the beauty of a person in his external uniqueness. A very small ...