Tag: luck

Predictions and impressions
First hunt for the northern lights this year. The unprecedented forecast of 9 points made me hurriedly pack up and send rather...

From mistakes to victories
How long would you like to keep doing something without making mistakes?! The taste of luck, of the right decision, is only tasted with mistakes. The funny thing is.

Emotions and manipulation
Over the years we gain a lot of experience, passing through pain, suffering, passion, fierce love and loss. Unwittingly returning to the past....

The beauty of sincerity
Doing something for nothing... It's so cool when you find yourself needed. Even if you're not good at something, your...

Journey and accomplishments
All in all, traveling by train is a pleasant experience. Here you can sleep, read, watch a long desired movie and... think about life....

The Night Magic of the Northern Lights
No, no... this is not the astrophotography mode I wanted to try. It's just night shooting, thanks to which it now manages to capture quite decently...