Tag: telephone

Телефон без защитного стекла
I had a wish to use my phone without protective glass and case. Well... once again another wish came true. Although, I should...

Exhibition #PrintGraphics
There used to be a definition of "time-killer", which was a three-in-a-row type of toy on the phone. Someone's killing time...

Autumn sunset: beauty and challenges
When people ask me if I love fall, my answer is always yes! Except that this fall is magnificent in its beginning and....

Telephone and payment: problems and solution
The tech rebelled. And so, finally I waited for the lower loop, at the same time replaced the finger and the back cover... And I think, let me do a complete....

Day of Silence: the importance of shutting down
I remember having a "Day of Silence" for myself a few years ago...it could go on for two, three days and even a week....

Фантастическое будущее
Как же интересно будущее! Складные телефоны, но теперь с гнущимися экранами. Автомобили, которые ездят быстро, а “кушают” мало. Электромобили и…