Tag: технологии
Будущее технологических гигантов
Событий по-прежнему миллион и техника, которую я так люблю, продолжает закладывать в планы крайне перспективные решения. Если, как говорят, миром…
The future of business
And the clouds thicken... people continue to disrupt, to work, to put themselves at risk. Companies lose profits and go bankrupt... Only a fraction of those....
The business of lazy evolution
It is amazing how differently a particular business can be run. Many people come to our country to make money, because money lies under their feet....
Preserving the past in 8K
Eh... I envy the current generation! Today, the Internet gives not only cloud technology for gaming and super speed, but also a great...
Combining blog and website
It's been a while and I still haven't cleaned up the blog I've been working on for so long. A thought...
Замедление инноваций
Ну вот и время новостей, которых так не хватало. И сейчас я не о каких-то событиях вокруг меня, чего, увы,…