Tag: freedom

That's how you see it
Creating something of your own is an amazing process filled with emotions of different shades. It seems to me that it is the creation (I don't want to equate it with creativity)....

Unconditional vs. Compromise
The world consists of many forms, factors, substances and contents with characters, shades, principles and morals... Yesterday, today and tomorrow we...

A fresh start
Life is endlessly interesting in its endeavors. And if you look at it that way. No! It's not the end of summer, it's...

You know, when there's an answer to that question, even if it's always a simple one to me, things start to break down. If something's for something, the first one has....

Выбор: свобода или иллюзия
О выборе. Хорошо это или плохо? Целая дискуссия не тему. В части событий, философий и концепций это является неким фундаментом….

За пределами уюта: когда выбор становится ловушкой
Диссонанс при попытке выбрать тот или иной путь, по которому ты смог бы двигаться вперёд и только вперёд. А нужен…