Tag: article

12.10.2023 / Thoughts
Lack of coverage of plans
About what we do. I wonder if you've ever done something really crazy. So that without thinking about the consequences,...

22.04.2022 / Thoughts
The art of telling the truth
What are words? A pervasive disregard for everything ... all around indifference and negligence. But if you can blame someone for ....

02.11.2021 / Thoughts
Цирк с QR: изобретательность и спорт
Сегодня я задумался вот над чем… Не единожды получив хвалебный отзыв в свой адрес, пришёл к выводу, что у нас…

25.08.2021 / Thoughts
Self-love: a sincere emotion
Love. So many definitions, everyone has their own. You know what it means to love, but he doesn't love you like you love him....

09.08.2021 / Thoughts
Going beyond comfort
So what am I talking about... Comfort and going beyond it. I got a taste of what that feels like today. It's disgusting! I can't take it anymore.