Tag: doubt

Internal battles
Worries and internal wars like the weather May 24. Evaluating the rightness, choosing decisions or not to make them. A lot of questions:.

Exaggerated expectations
And here I catch myself thinking "is this /this/that/that really that good"? The system of ratings and grades, scores and.....

Happiness in the moment
If traveling is the "dot on the map" where you're sure to experience peace, tranquility, and enjoyment of the beauty surrounding you,...

Шаг к успеху: борьба с сомнениями
О решительности. Сомнения и готовность сделать шаг – борьба в головах многих. Что порождает сомнения? Страх! При этом страх является…

Doubts and choices
Doubt and choice. Is this opportunity to doubt and choose so good and wonderful? Why do you want to earn more and....

Truth: between truth and falsehood
More than a week ago, the thought was born that actually the issue of choice is very, very important right now. Being on the...