Tag: sun

За тучами всегда солнце
Смена картины. Цели, задачи, действия и результаты зачастую омрачают независящие от нас события. Жизнь – сплетённый механизм, где “эффектом бабочки”…

Events of the North
Events find us or we look for events... life is not built from anything else. The beauty of big cities is that....

A life without expectations
Nature doesn't have bad weather. Better once on time than twice right. Many things are realized with time. Every time...

The mystery of places without people
Little water. The waves have a special power. The rocks have a special beauty. The horizon has a special mystery. Where there are no people... where the sun is warm.....

Farewell, last rays
Counting days of the last rays of the #sun we will soon say goodbye to, but only for a couple months... or less. All in good time.

Incredible beauty: Kola Peninsula
The return trip happened earlier than planned and for this reason without much mood. It was as if ripped off.... it's like feeling a feeling, experiencing...