Tag: word

Today has distinguished itself... Twice! This will never happen again... There was 02:02 and 02:20 and 02:22... And the evening time of this format....

A moment of eternity: take your chance!
Dark and even black nights. I remember that I used to be unable to fall asleep for a long time, running hundreds of thoughts, ideas and... in my head.

Embracing with words
Texting, writing... More than once I have gotten positive feedback on posts here and on the site. I am a very tactile person and without touching...

Humor: specifics and reactions
Humor is a subtle and very specific field. What brings a smile to some, to others - a set of words, a phrase. Not every viewer and...

Rain of words: accepting compromises
I'm very fond of the rain. It's still around now - coming back to me in an instant from a solid state... #The snow is melting. С...

Motivation in the modern world
Today I had the opportunity to hear a bit about motivation. It's a stupid word that constantly makes me wonder if it's spelled correctly. Task.