Tag: trace

16.10.2023 / Thoughts
A little paradise. Adrenaline kick!
A little paradise. Definitely not a pop spot! Definitely the best thing I've been to in the last few decades of my life. Definitely worth a visit...

24.07.2023 / Thoughts
Tegat in Murmansk: Streetart and its concept
Leave your mark... or as they say here - "tagging". In this area of the art space there was an exhibit where you could...

15.09.2019 / Thoughts
The marks on my heart
Time burns notes, memories and bridges, but... Speaking of the intangible - a permanent mark on the heart and soul remains a pattern,...

08.04.2019 / Thoughts
The perfectionist's inner gnashing
Again, but already stronger, I notice this inner perfectionist scrambling. Shit! Something has to be done about it, already myself....