Tag: speed

When "must" becomes too much
But this “must” is really pressing… Necessity, missed opportunity, potential benefit in the future – so many “possibles”…

A little paradise. Adrenaline kick!
A little paradise. Definitely not a pop spot! Definitely the best thing I've been to in the last few decades of my life. Definitely worth a visit...

Running squirrels and treats
Life is movement, and movement in life is a real pleasure! That's why # squirrels are the happiest of creatures. The only time when...

Waterfalls: Inner Calm
Some kind of special pleasure I get from the views of #waterfall. I can't say that it is some kind of rapture, rather the opposite... some inner calmness....

Winter stars and northern lights
I remember wanting to, and I think I even wrote, about how it would be great to lie on the grass and look at...

Farewell, last rays
Counting days of the last rays of the #sun we will soon say goodbye to, but only for a couple months... or less. All in good time.